About Us

We provide independent and impartial renewable energy consultancy services to help you benefit from the financial opportunities that are available. Our consultancy services include fully funded renewable energy projects and energy efficiency. We work throughout the country with our team of expert consultants to offer you a broad range of services tailored to your individual requirements. We can provide a full funding solution.

We have a wide range of solutions that encompass anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, solar PV and biomass. We can also provide specialist advice on the renewable incentives currently being offered by the Government, evaluating the best solution for your business. Planning applications for renewable energy can be complicated. Our planning services will help you with the complexity of planning permission, working with both the local planning authority and yourselves to ensure your project is off to a good start.

Advanced Thermals

Advanced Thermal is a process designed to capture the energy held by any material, but especially materials discarded as waste. It differs from standard processes in that its patented design makes it very effective in capturing energy from an exceptionally wide range of materials.

  • Auto Fluff
  • Surgical Waste
  • Sewage Sludge
  • Food waste
  • Wood
  • Plastics
  • Tyres

Independent research analysis from full-scale trials with different waste feedstock show that it is no longer necessary to use landfill or incineration as the end-of-life measure for almost any waste material. The data reveal high levels of unused energy that advanced thermal can convert very easily into power, heat and liquid fuels. Importantly, the data also show that advanced thermal brings major benefits to the environment, removing toxins, dioxins and pathogens without producing emissions of any concern whatsoever. The technology is wholly clean and provides a far better solution for almost any waste stream.

Approaches to waste management are slow to change because the capital costs can be enormous, and few businesses are prepared to risk investment in untried plant and processes. That’s why the patented advanced thermal process has been tested for over 40,000 hours, with a full-size plant in operation for over 25,000 hours – all carefully monitored and recorded, with independent research bodies analysing the results from different feedstock. The reports are available to any waste company with a serious interest in using the technology to achieve better financial performance. Gate fees for landfill and incineration should no longer dominate. Instead, balance sheets should show major profits from sales of power and heat.

Aerobic Digestion


Our Range of ATP Organic Waste Digesters reduces the cost of managing waste. They create an optimum environment for the on-site aerobic digestion of numerous organic waste materials. The inputs to the machine can be any organic waste.

Some examples include:

  • Food waste from restaurants and canteens
  • Waste and surplus from the food industry
  • Animal waste (incl. card-board)
  • Horticultural/Farm waste
  • Care home/sanitary waste

Operators simply empty their waste into the machine through the input shredder which avoids the need for any additional storage bins. An internal auger then turns the material to aerate it and achieve consistent bacterial activity. Processing is rapid and normally completed in 24hrs which massively reduces moisture content and volume. Our cultures of thermophilic bacteria then convert waste into clean PAS100 compliant biomass which can be used for various purposes. Any odours or flammable gases are eliminated by the ozone filter so the machine can be sited next to the source of waste.


The bio-fuel can be used as a high quality, nutrient rich compost in the local community and gardens or some users prefer to use an incinerator for “end of waste”.


A Biomass unit can use the fuel to produce heat and/or cooling to reduce the business Opex costs.


  • Accelerated Aerobic Digestion
  • Bespoke Thermophilic Bacteria & Enzyme (65-75°C Nominal)
  • Power Supply: 3 phase (single phase on request)


  • Ozone Odour Suppression
  • Auto-Feeder
  • Input Shredder
  • Telemtry Services


  • liminates bad smells and distracts vermin
  • Processes waste daily avoiding any overnight waste issues
  • Simple and efficient to use
  • Reduces site traffic and management


Expected RoI of an average installation from 12months

Anaerobic Digestion

We are able to offer a range of Anaerobic Digestion solutions which can be used on a wide range of feedstock. The solution will be dependent on the feedstock and the required output.

The solutions are as follows:

Conventional Anaerobic Digester Solution

These solutions are normally a wet system that runs on 10-14% dry matter content with the liquid being pumped around the site. These systems tend to suit farm feedstock to food waste feedstock with a large quantity of water used in the process. The resulting biogas can be used to run CHP units for electricity and heat or upgraded into biomethane for injection into the National Gas grid.

Dry Anaerobic Digester

These solutions are able to handle a wider range of feedstock materials due to the construction of the plant. With dry matter content of up to 45%, this process, whilst efficient, produces lower volumes of waste water from its process. The resulting biogas can be used through CHP units to produce both heat and electricity or for upgraded methane to be injected into the National Gas grid, with the resulting digestate suitable for use as feedstock for WID compliant biomass units.

Modulised AD Units

We are also able to offer a new approach to the Anaerobic Digestion process with a new processing system. The processes are compact, neat and entirely self-contained. The units can be installed in a variety of applications which would not normally be considered for this type of renewable technology. The process time has been reduced to under 7 days, enabling us to deploy the compact system to a larger range of clients. This means that any business producing, on average, more than 250kg of organic waste matter per day will now be in a position to revolutionise the way in which they dispose of their waste stream, contributing to their energy use (electricity and heat) within two weeks of deployment.

Energy Management and Recovery

We can offer a range of energy recovery solutions from the dispelled energy of a building through to monitoring the business energy usage and compacting waste streams.

Energy, Asset and Water Management

Our integrated analytics and asset management platform provides an integrated resource overview for energy demand, energy generation and water. This will enable a rapid assessment of asset usage, predictive maintenance, associated costs, emissions and income. This will provide a proactive solution to managing the energy and water usage of a business, changing what was a variable cost into a predictive cost.

Recovery of Energy

Ventilation in a building is normally a cost to a company, with energy being used to expel the air. We are able to recover some of that energy in the form of electricity with a simple solution that is attached to the ventilation outlet. The recovered energy is in the region of between 30% to 40%, dependent upon the location of the units and the performance of the extraction. The units can be retro-fitted to existing units.

Compaction Units

We have a new generation of compacters that are highly efficient in the compaction of waste streams. There are currently undergoing final trials and it is anticipated these will be available to the market within the next six months. The process, whilst compacting the waste, also have the ability to dry the waste at the time of compaction, therefore producing a double benefit to the feedstock.

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